Constitution Of The Valley Tennis Club
The club name shall be the Valley Tennis Club.
(a) To regulate tennis activity on the courts at the Valley Tennis Club in accordance with terms of the annual permit from the City of Toronto.
(b) To promote tennis for adults and juniors as a recreational activity in the best interests of the residents of North York.
(c) To organize such off-premises activity as inter-club competition, social events, etc.
(d) To finance these activities on a non-profit basis by assessment of members.
Membership shall be open to residents of North York and shall be subject to a maximum quota as set by the Executive of the Valley Tennis Club. The membership for the current year shall expire on November 30th of each year.
Fees shall be set annually by the Executive and shall be due on the first day of March of each year. Fees are deemed to include both annual dues and any initiation fee applicable to new members. Special levies for particular projects may only be applied after having been put to a vote of the club membership.
An annual General Meeting of the membership shall be held once per year on a day in the months of September or October to be determined by the Executive, and shall require a quorum of twenty (20) adult members. Notice of the Annual or any Special Meeting, and the Agenda thereof, shall be sent by email to all members at least three (3) weeks prior to the Meeting.
Financial books of the club will be reviewed and Notice to Reader will be issued by a chartered accountant(s) annually and the said chartered accountant(s) will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. The fiscal year end will be December 31st and the review shall be completed by no later than the last day in April following the fiscal year end.
The election of officers will be as follows:
(a) Nominations for each of the five elected officers shall be made by:
(i) written nominations addressed to the Secretary not later than seven (7) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
(ii) nominations submitted by the Executive or Nomination Committee as approved and recorded in the Minutes of a prior Meeting.
(b) Written nominations shall be signed by two members of the club, and shall also be signed by the nominee indicating his or her willingness to accept the office, if elected. Nominee for President must have served on executive for at least one of the previous five terms.
(c) Voting for each elected office shall be carried out separately in the consecutive order of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Junior Director.
(d) Voting shall be by secret ballot if there is more than one candidate. Scrutineers will comprise two officers of the Executive, neither of whom are nominated in the voting being undertaken.
(e) Election will be by most votes received. In the event of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote.
(a) The officers of the club shall comprise the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Junior Director. The officers are responsible directly to the members of the club, and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Other members of the executive (e.g. Tournament Director, Membership Directors, Social Director, Outside Facilities Director, Inside Facilities Director, Communications Director, Teams Director, and House League Director) may be nominated or appointed subsequently by the officers for specific duties, but such assignment of functions shall ultimately be the responsibility of the incoming President. The Executive of the Club shall be comprised of the officers and these aforementioned members.
(c) Executive meetings will be called with notice appropriate to the circumstances, and in proximity (within 5 kms) to the Valley Tennis Club. Executive meetings will require a quorum of at least half the executive members, or a majority of the elected officers. Decisions of the executive will be by majority vote, with Chair voting only to decide a tied vote. Disciplinary decisions will require a vote of unanimous agreement by the attending members.
(d) The term of office of each member of the Executive shall expire November 1st of each year; however each member of the Executive shall continue to hold office until their successors are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The President will be limited to two successive terms. Other elected officers of the executive are allowed to serve unlimited terms, provided an election does not determine otherwise.
(e) Unelected members of the executive will be appointed by the President at the beginning of each term. If the Vice President does not wish to assume the presidency, and there is no other eligible nominee, the president may remain for a subsequent term. The outgoing President shall serve as an ex officio member of the incoming Executive, and will preside over the Nominating Committee that reports to the Executive.
(f) In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President shall automatically assume the office of President. In the event that the position of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Junior Director becomes vacant, the Executive shall appoint a member in good standing to fill this position.
A Special General Meeting may be called at any time during the year for discussion of the following:
(a) Business deemed urgent by the Executive.
(b) Business deemed urgent by at least 20 adult members, giving written notice to the Secretary of the club. Meeting must be held by the President within 28 days of the notice.
A quorum of 20 Adult members in good standing is required for a General Meeting (Annual or Special General Meeting). Decision is by majority vote, excluding the Chair. Chair casts deciding vote in event of a tied vote.
(a) To negotiate for the use of facilities with the Borough of North York.
(b) To formulate, promulgate, and enforce club regulations.
(c) To authorize all expenditures of club funds.
(d) To establish level of fees.
(e) To establish membership quotas and priorities as necessary in accordance with the Club's objectives.
The members of the Valley Tennis Club, or the Executive, may pass by-laws concerning the following:
(a) Procedure for Elections.
(b) Management of the Club's Properties, Internal Organization and Administration.
All mass communications (including email and phone) to the membership must be performed by the Secretary, or with the written permission of the Secretary. All such communications must be consistent with privacy requirements and the 'Aims and Objectives' of the Club (see 2). Candidates for elected office may submit communications to the membership through the Secretary, provided that all candidates are provided equal access.
(c) Time, place and conduct of the annual or other meetings of the membership. Order of Business at Meetings (as per NYTA manual)
(d) Duties of Executive Members (as per NYTA manual)
(e) Conduct and Behaviour of Members. An adhoc Conduct and Behaviour Committee, composed of at least 2 adult members, will be formed by the Executive to investigate any allegations of improper conduct and behaviour by VTC members. This committee will make recommendations to the Executive, and disciplinary action, including revocation of membership, shall be determined by a unanimous vote of a quorum of the Executive.
(f) The investment and expenditure of funds in the name of the Valley Tennis Club.
(g) All other matters as may be deemed necessary or convenient for the promotion of the welfare of the members or the conduct of the business of the Valley Tennis Club.
(h) Court Rules
By-Laws passed by the Executive are subject to approval of the Club at the next General Meeting.
(a) Proposed amendments to this Constitution and to By-Laws shall be given in writing to the Secretary one month prior to a General Meeting.
Any request for an amendment shall:
(i) bear the signatures of twenty (20) adult members.
(ii) be presented by the Executive pursuant to a majority decision.
(b) Amendments to this Constitution and to the By-Laws may be made a Special or General Meetings
(c) Proposed amendments shall be adopted if they receive not less than two-thirds of the votes cast, a quorum being present
Voluntary dissolution shall be by consent of seventy-five percent (75%) of the adult members. In the event of dissolution, members of the current and previous year will decide upon the disposition of assets after all liabilities have been met.